Dan brings a smooth, soulful quality to Eclipse 6. He grew up in Centerville, UT starting his singing career at age 13 when his mom dropped him off at a voice lesson to substitute for his sister who was unable to make it. From that moment on, singing and performing would dominate Dan’s early life from choir to starring in musicals and performing at Lagoon Amusement Park.
After high school, Dan attended Utah State University for a year on a vocal/performing scholarship before heading to England to serve a two-year mission. Shortly after returning, his scholarship was re-instated, he was selected again as 1 of 6 males in the Dept. of Programs & Entertainment and graduated with a BA in Marketing. After a couple of years of sales experience Dan went back to school to complete his Masters in Business Administration from the University of Utah. While obtaining his MBA he became friends with a fellow student Jake Despain who would later become a member of Eclipse 6. After graduating in 2006, Dan has ventured into the corporate business world.
Dans vocal style has be influenced by several genres. Although his roots are in Jazz and Pop, he also enjoys a splash of country. Dan says that most of the free time that he used to spend golfing and snowboarding is now spent changing diapers, having tea parties, watching Disney movies and visiting the zoo.