The driving rhythms that can be heard on Eclipse 6 recordings and in their live show are almost exclusively produced by Kevin Jones; and no, we don’t know how he is able to do it.Not surprisingly vocal percussion is only one dimension of this human drum set.Kevin is also an accomplished singer/performer and has an impressive musical theatre resume under his belt.
After completing his associate degree at SnowCollege, as well as a two-year mission to Bangkok, Thailand, he transferred toUtah State University where he changed his course of study from musical theatre to broadcast journalism. He couldn’t get rid of the performing bug, however, and ended up joining the New Horizons show choir and dance troupe, where he functioned as both a performer and a choreographer—which then led to a scholarship with the Department of Programs and Entertainment. After graduating with a BA in journalism and spending a few years dedicating his time to Eclipse6, Kevin returned to Utah State University where he earned a master’s degree inInstructional Technology.
When he’s not spitting rhythmically into a microphone, Kevin consults organizational executives on communication strategies and media production. He enjoys serving in his community and watching neighbors help neighbors. Kevin can frequently be seen in the audience, bleachers, and sidelines of many band concerts, volleyball matches, and soccer games. There is very little that he enjoys more than watching his four kids work and succeed in their own pursuits. However, Kevin says the two most important things to him are his faith in God and his incredible wife, Kathy.